Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Money and Coin

1760 - Britain

12 pence (d.) to the shilling
20 shillings to the pound

£1 = 20s. 

12d. = 1s.

Guinea = £1 1s.

Crown = 5 shillings

Half Crown = 2 shillings, 6 pence

halfpence = 

Farthing = 1/4 of a penny


Gold Coins                    Silver Coins                Copper Coins                 Paper Currency
5 guinea                       Crowns                                                          £10 and £15 notes from 1759
2 Guinea                       Half Crowns 
Half Guinea                   Six Pence
                                   Three Pence


Spanish dollar = 6 shillings per 1704 proclamation

The Measuring Worth Calculator

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