Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ben Franklin's World Podcast Ep 288 -- Smuggling, Free Trade, Sugar Act & Portugal

No. 288 -- Tyson Reeder, Smugglers & Patriots in the 18th-Century Atlantic World

Luso Atlantic -- Portugese Atlantic World

Thriving clandestine commercial networks between people of the Altantic empires.

1750's:  Portugal under Poombal weakened ties to Britain but increased ties with Br. America 

Trade interrupted with the passage of the Sugar Act and the heavy taxes on Portugese Wines imported directly into America.

Am. exports foodstuffs and breadstuffs to Portugal in return for 1)  wine and 2) illegal portugese gold which is then sent to Eng. to pay for Am. imports from Eng.

Colonists come to equate Independence with Republicanism, Republicanism with Free Trade, and Free Trade with Prosperity.  Free trade is the surest way to economic prosperity.

On the other hand, they equated Monarchy with Trade Restrictions and Tyranny.

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