Friday, April 20, 2018

Chas - Statehouse


the principal street is seventy-two foot wide, call'd Broad Street, is decorated, besides many fine houses, with a State house near in the centre of said street, constructed to contain two rooms, one for the Governor and Council, th' other for the Representatives of the people, the Secretary's office, and a Court room; opposite the state House is the Armory- house, item St. Michael's Church, whose steeple is 192 foot high, and seen by vessels at sea before they make any land; also with a new Exchange on the east end of said street upon the bay; all four buildings have been rais'd since the year 1752, and no expence spared to make them solide, convenient, and elegant.

Religion - Bible Quotes & 18th Century Sermons

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Charleston 1757 SC Budget & Expenditures

Charleston Courts & Juries

The French & Indian War & The Seven Years War

Powder Duty

Money in the Colonial Era

Chas - Public Posts

Charleston Bounty For Beasts Of Prey