Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Charleston Bounty For Beasts Of Prey

1744-1749 Law -

AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE The Destroying of Beasts of Prey: 

FOR AS MUCH as it is become necessary to give some encouragement to have beasts of prey destroyed, which of late have been very destructive to the stocks of cattle, sheep and hogs, in this Province; we therefore humbly pray your most sacred Majesty that it may be enacted,
I. And be it enacted, by his Excellency James Glen, Esquire. Governor in chief and Captain General in and over this his Majesty’s Province of South Carolina, by and with the advice and consent of his Majesty's honor able Council and Assembly of this Province, and by the authority of the same, That all and every person and persons whoever, that shall here after kill in this Province, within one hundred and fifty miles of Charlestown, or within the Welsh Tract upon Pedee, any of the beasts of prey her'einafter mentioned, shall have the following rewards, that is to say, for “ a tiger, eight shillings; for a wolf, six shillings; for a bear, four shillings ; for a Wild cat, four shillings ; proclamation money; which rewards. shall be paid to such persons out of the public treasury of this Provmce, tn the manner hereinafter directed.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every person killing any of the beasts of prey above mentioned, within the limit aforesaid, (to be intitled to the reward for the same) shall carry the scalp 2 ears or other with the two ears of such beast of prey, fresh to, or shall give sufficient  proof to the satisfaction of any one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace git-on, ll‘! this Province, that such beast was killed withm the limits aforesaid, such magistrate (first destroying the ears) shall give such_ person a certificate of the same gratis, with an order to the public treasurer of this Province , . . .

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