Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Powder Duty

WHEREAS, it is absolutely necessary for the future security and defence of this Province, that there should be a sufiicient store of gun powder always in readiness; . . .

Every commander or master of any ship or vessel that now is, or hereafter shall come into any port, creek or harbour in this Province, shall make a true and just entry in the Powder receiver’s ofiice, in such port, of the burthen and tunnage of his ship or vessel ; and every such commander or master shall pay and deliver the full and just quantity of half a pound of good and clean serviceable gun powder for every and each tun that his ship or vessel doth or shall measure and contain by the rule hereinafter mentioned ; and for want of such powder to be paid and delivered as aforesaid, the commander or master shall pay or cause to be paid the sum of two shillings proclamation money, or the value thereof in currency, for every tun which his ship or vessel doth or shall measure by the rule or contain as aforesaid.

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