Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Charleston Courts & Juries

Courts and Jury Law - 1757

That the several persons whose names are in the several lists or schedules hereunto annexed shall be drawn by ballot, impannelled, summoned and obliged to serve as jurymen at the several courts of record by law established in this Province -- . . . 
- that the several persons whose names are inserted in the first schedule or list hereunto annexed, entitled a list of grand jurymen, shall be . . .  obliged to serve on all grand juries at the court of general sessions of the peace, oyer and terminer, assize and general goal delivery, to be holden in Charlestown.
- And the several persons whose names are inserted in the second schedule or list hereunto annexed, enti- tied a list of petit jurymen, shall be . . .  obliged to serve on all juries and inquests whatsoever, at any of the courts of record that shall at any time hereafter be holden in Charlestown aforesaid.
- And the several persons whose names are inserted in the third schedule or list hereunto annexed, entitled a list of special jurymen,  shall be . . . obliged to serve on all juries and inquests at the courts of general sessions of the peace, oyer and ter miner, assize and general goal delivery, and courts of common pleas, and all forcible entries, and at all special courts for transient persons, (and at no other courts whatever,) hereafter to be holden in this Province ;

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