Sunday, March 18, 2018

1781-11-19 Old Wappetaw Church

In 1700, the Old Wappetaw Church was built by a group of Congregationalists from New England. Troops from both sides camped on the grounds during the American Revolution. Burned by the British in 1782, it was rebuilt in 1786. The building was abandoned during the Civil War and its members organized Presbyterian churches in Mount Pleasant and McClellanville.

SC 3rd Regiment of State Dragoons (State Troops) led by Lt. Col. Hezekiah Maham, with unknown number of men

Needless to say, the British enjoyed no long-range success in keeping Brigadier General Francis Marion's patrols out of the vicinity, and sometime during the fall of 1781, the British post at Wappetaw Meeting House came under attack by a corps of State Troops commanded by Lt. Col. Hezekiah Maham.

Although this battle was probably of some significance, it represents yet another gap in the published historical record. Apparently, the British must have taken a beating, since a number of royal troops are said to have been killed or captured.

This outpost was located about thirteen miles north of the modern community of Mount Pleasant, in a church building that the British had converted into a fortified stronghold.

The Wappetaw Independent or Congregational Church seems to have experienced a series of misfortunes during the American Revolution. Not only was the house of worship appropriated for military use, but the pastor is said to have been murdered in the parsonage house by his slaves during these unsettled times.

The British added the crowning piece of mischief by burning the meeting house together with the church records when they abandoned the post at the close of the war. The site is on U.S. Hwy. 17 in Charleston County.

  • John China, Pension Application S46593
    ... in September 1781 he volunteered his services as a common Soldier in General Marion's Brigade of Militia, whilst the Regiment was encamped at Doughty's plantation on Santee River. He was there placed in a company commanded by the following officers: William Dukes, Captain, Joseph Fox, 1st Lieutenant, Joseph Kerry, 2nd Lieutenant. The Regiment to which this company was attached was commanded by Colonel Richard Richardson, Lieutenant Colonel John James and Major Gamble. He served in this Regiment a has a private or common Soldier ten months. 
    He was in no Battle during this time but recollects the following engagements of the Brigade: In a month after joining the Brigade it moved from its station at Doughty's, 10 or 12 miles lower down the River to Canty's [sic, Cantey's] plantation. Whilst here this deponent was sent with a detachment of militia drafted to accompany Colonel Maham's Corps of Horse on and expedition to Haddrell's Point. He was detached from the command of his immediate company officers and does not now recollect the immediate officers in command of his company. This detachment continued out on duty eight days during which time this deponent was in a skirmish at Wapetaw [sic, Wappetaw] Meeting Housewith the British who had fortified the Meeting House and encamped there. In this skirmish some of the enemy were killed and some taken prisoners. After this the detachment returned to the Brigade which from time to time changed its position up and down Santee River until December 1781 when it encamped at Strawberry Ferry on Cooper River. ...
  • Thomas Broughton, Pension Application W897
    – he was at the battle of Wopetaw [sic, Wappetaw], on the 3rd January 1782 [See Lipscomb's comment on Broughton and dates] – and received a wound in the ear – Colonel Maham's Regiment was alone in this battle –
  • Edward McCrady, The History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780 -1783, McMillan, 1902, p.487ff
    The only services in which the mountaineers were employed while with Marion were in attacks upon the post at Fair Lawn and on the redoubts at Wappetaw in St. Thomas's Parish. Detachments of about 200 of them, supported by Maham s cavalry of about 180, were in both instances employed under the command of Colonel Shelby. The latter place, on being approached, was abandoned, for General Stuart was then drawing in his forces under the protection of Charlestown.

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