Monday, March 26, 2018

The Navies of the Revolution

From the USNA

1.   The “Army’s Fleets” (active 1775-1776)
George Washington’s Navy
  • Goal: to confiscate military supplies and equipment from the British
  • Thus central purpose was to practice guerre de course warfare
  • Total of 55 prizes
Benedict Arnold’s Fleet
  • Battle of Valcour Island (Lake Champlain)
 2.   Continental Navy (est. 1775)
  • Maximum size (1777): 34 vessels
  • Minimum size (1781): 2 ships
  • Practiced guerre de course warfare; transported soldiers; ferried diplomats across the Atlantic
  • Source of first naval “heroes” (including John Paul Jones)
 3.   Privateering (est. 1775)
  • MA and RI were the first colonies to authorize privateering
  • During war, 1697 letters of marque issued; and American privateers captured some 600 prizes
  • 1781: peak prize year: 450 prizes
  • Practiced guerre de course warfare
 4.   States Navies (est. 1777)
  • 11 states had navies: Virginia’s was ultimately the biggest
  • MA and RI were the first states to establish state navies
  • Created to protect the states’ ports and harbors
 5. The French Navy (allied since 1778; decisive in 1781)
  • A proxy navy for the Americans
  • This large and established European navy was capable of facing the Royal Navy in fleet warfare (guerre d’escadre)
  • Battle of the Chesapeake/Battle of the Capes ( (Sept. 1781)
  • Thus played a fundamental role in the achievement of American independence.

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