Sunday, March 18, 2018

18th Century Charleston - State St.

State St. runs north to south half the way down the southern terminus of Charleston.  It runs parallel to the Cooper River Docks and East Bay St. to the East and Church St. to the West.

19 State St.
Frederick Wolfe House 1796

This two-and-a-half story Charleston Single House is thought to be built by Frederick Wolfe after the fire of 1796, which destroyed much of the State Street area between Broad and Queen Streets. The house was moved back on its original lot at 21 State Street approximately 15 feet in 1813 when State Street was widened. Threatened by demolition in 1973 to provide access for a parking lot, the house was acquired by The Preservation Society of Charleston who moved the structure to its present location and restored it in 1974.

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