Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Book I Reference Links

Key Books:
Adam Smith, A Wealth Of Nations
Cato: Wealth of Nations Pt 1, Pt 2
Hobbes, Leviathan
Alcott, Little Women
Fielding, The Hist of Jos. Andrews (1742)
Mary Wollstonecraft, Original Stories From Real Life (1796)

Colonial Newspapers

Rsch Doc: Religion Rights Revolution
Rsch Doc: Role of Religion in the Revolutin

Class Structure in Charleston
Hidden History of Old Charleston (Kindle loc 284 and the suicide of John Henry Rutledge in a modern Romeo and Juliet tale)

Crime and Punishment

History of UK

General US Hist 1760-74

The Declaratory Act of 1766

Townshend Acts

Tea Act of 1772

Intolerable Acts 1774
Rsch Doc American Archives 74-75
Powder Alarm

Rev. War – Battles & Cantonments

Trenton and Princeton
Rsch Doc: Gen Hugh Mercer
McCullough, 1776 (Kindle)
Washington's Crossing (Kindle)

Rsch Doc: Jane McCrea

The Wyoming Massacre

Valley Forge

The Southern Campaign (79-81)
Sir Henry Clinton, Narrative
Lord Cornwallis, Reply to the Narrative
Lee, Memoirs of the War in the Southern Dept., Vol. II
Rsch Doc: Cornwallis's Army in the South
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Siege of Charleston
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)

Waxhaw Massacre (29 May 1780)
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Huck's Defeat (12 Jul 80)
Rsch Doc: Hucks Musgrove Blackstocks
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Camden (16 Aug 80)
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Fishing Creek (18 Aug 80)
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Marion's Battles
Rsch Doc: Francis Marion
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Musgrove Mill (19 Aug 80)
Rsch Doc: Hucks Musgrove Blackstocks
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Kings Mountain (7 Oct 80)
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Blackstocks Farm (20 Nov. 1780)
Rsch Doc: Hucks Musgrove Blackstocks
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Cowpens (17 Jan 81)
Touring SC's Revolutionary War Sites (Kindle)
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

March to the Dan
Rsch Doc: Gen Greene & Dan
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)

Guilford Courthouse
The Revolutionary War in the Southern Backcountry (Kindle)


Eutaw Springs

Rsch Doc: Sommerset's Case Quotation
Rsch Doc: Quotes
Fox, Charles (Brit MP)
Franklin, Ben
Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac
Marion's Men (Poem by Will. Cullen Bryant)



SC River Map (Modern)
Charleston Walking Tour Map (password is all lower case: charleston)

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