Thursday, March 22, 2018

Quotes 1 - Molasses, Economy, Taxes, Govt. Corruption

. . . Molasses was an essential Ingredient in American Independence. Many great Events have proceeded from much smaller causes.
John Adams. letter to Judge William Tudor, 11 August 1818


Economy and Taxes
When the tax upon a commodity is so moderate as not to encourage smuggling, the merchant who deals in it, though he advances, does not properly pay the tax, as he gets it back in the price of the commodity. The tax is finally paid by the last purchaser or consumer.
- Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book 4, Ch. 6, 1776


Corruption - Customs Officers
But the perquisites of custom-house officers are everywhere much greater than their salaries ; at some ports more than double or triple those salaries.
- Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book 5, Ch. 2, 1776


[T]the hope of evading . . . [overly heavy] taxes by smuggling, gives frequent occasion to forfeitures and other penalties, which entirely ruin the smuggler ; a person who, though no doubt highly blamable for violating the laws of his country, is frequently incapable of violating those of natural justice, and would have been, in every respect. an excellent citizen, had not the laws of his country made that a crime which nature never meant to be so. 
- Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book 5, Ch. 2, 1776 

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