Saturday, March 31, 2018

Colonial South Carolina Militia Laws

1755 Act No. 833

. . . II. And whereas, disputes have arisen in the districts in the country parishes, with respect to the levying fines on defaulters at musters, for that such defaulters had not been summoned to shew cause why they should not be fined; for prevention whereof for the future, Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and every defaulter and defaulters at S musters in the country parishes shall (without being summoned) be obliged to attend one of the commissioned officers of the company in which such defaulter shall be enrolled, and make his excuse for not appearing at mus ter, on or before the next muster day; and unless such excuse shall be admitted by two commissioned officers of the said company, such defaulter shall be obliged to pay the fine inflicted by the Act last above mentioned; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

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