Thursday, March 15, 2018

18th Century Medicine, Medical Practice & Surgery

Herbal Medicines

How to make a tincture

Peruvian Bark (Quinine)

Willow Bark (Salacylic Acid)

Laudanum (Tincture of Opium)
Opium use described in Victorian Britain
Venitian Treacle (article describes how this ancient concoction still being prescribed in 18th c. just as it was being called into question led to the establishment of regulation of medicines)

Medical Practices

1.  Wound Care:  Honey & Alcohol in Wound Care & Cough Suppression (WebMD) (pdf) (Discussion of ancient Roman battlefield medicine)
(Aulus Cornelius Celsus - 25 A.D. De Medecina Vol VII on Treatment of Battle Wounds)

Related:  History of Beekeeping, Google Books:  A Treatise on the Management of Bees, 1768

2.  Heroic Medicine:  Bloodletting, purging, emetics, blistering, sweating,

3.  Amputation

4.  Mosquito (Anopheles) Born Fevers - Malaria (parasitical)

5.  Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) Born Fever - Yellow Fever (viral)

6.  Waterborne (fecal matter) - CholeraTyphoid FeverDysentery (Bloody Flux)

13.  Typhus (gaol fever) spread by Body Lice

14.  Consumption (tuberculosis)

Medical Texts and References:

Every Man His Own Physician (1764)

Operations of Surgery - (Amputation), (1782)

Resources of the Southern Fields & Forests (1863 but deals with herbal medical resources and their uses in the South)

Amputations (civil war w/ stats)

Other References and Sites:

Anglo-Saxon 10th c. Med Text - Bald's Leechbook
Pox Americana (Kindle)
Rsch Doc: 18th c. Medical
Rsch Doc: Med History of SC

BBC The Victorian Pharmacy

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