Saturday, March 17, 2018

Battle of Trenton 26 Dec. 1776

After taking Fort Lee and sending a small force under Cornwallis to track Washington, Howe sent his forces into winter cantonments.  As the American forces retreated across New Jersey and crossed the Deleware River into Pennsylvania.  Howe, returned to "the arms of Mrs. Loring" in N.Y.

8 Dec. 1776 - Gen. Clinton takes Newport, Rhode Island to secure an ice free port

26 Dec. 1776 -- Battle of Trenton (NY/NJ Cam.)
A&E Movie
Trenton Historical Society
Kindle Books:  1776 and Washington's Crossing

From Creswell:  

“A few days ago [the people] had given up the cause for lost. Their late successes have turned the Scale, and now they are all Liberty mad again. Their Recruiting parties could not get a man. . . [but] now the men are coming in by companies. . . . Damn them all. . . . 

[After Trenton] Washingtons name is extoled to the clouds. Alexander, Pompey and Hanibal were but pigmy Generals, in comparison to the Magnanimous Washington. Poor General Howe is rediculed in all companies and all my Country men abused. I am obliged to hear this daily and dare not speake a word in their favor. It is the Damed Hessians that has caused this. Curse the scoundrel that first thought of sending them here."

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