Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mechanics of 18th Century Travel By Land & Sea

By Land

de Warville, New Travels In The USA

By Sea

Cresswell 1774:  Liverpool to Virginia - 38 Days; Route unknown
Cresswell 1774:  Virginia to Barbados - 42 Days; sailing against the Gulf Stream?
Cresswell 1774:  Jamaica to Maryland - 28 days

By River: 

In the UK -  Barges were the fastest means of water transport between business centres and residences and were the limousines of the lower Thames in the 17th and 18th century. An eight-oared Shallop could cover the 35 miles from Hampton Court to Greenwich in approximately four hours. During the Golden Age of oared craft, from the thirteenth century to the late nineteenth century, all rich families and official organisations, such as the Navy Board and the City merchants, possesed a Shallop.

Creswell Journal:

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