Thursday, March 15, 2018

Navigation Acts

ENUMERATED COMMODITIES were colonial products permitted to be exported only to limited destinations, generally British colonies, England, Ireland, Wales, Berwick on Tweed, or, after 1707, Scotland. 
1621 - 
1660 - sugar, tobacco, indigo, ginger, speckle wood, and various kinds of dyewoods in 1660; 
1704 - rice and molasses
1705 -  naval stores, including tar, pitch, rosin (omitted in 1729), turpentine, hemp, masts, yards, and bowsprits in 1705; 
1721 - copper ore, beaver skins, and furs in 1721; 
1764 - coffee, pimento, cacao, hides and skins, whale fins, raw silk, potash and pearl ash, iron, and lumber
1766-67  all other commodities in 1766–1767. 

After 1765 rice could be exported to any place south of Cape Finisterre and was not limited to Europe, giving American rice an open market in the foreign West Indies and Spanish colonies.

Navigation Acts grew out of Parliament's:

1.  competition with Dutch shipping
2.  Revolution in Barbados?????

The Navigation Acts & The American Revolution (hardcopy)

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