Friday, March 16, 2018

Quotations About British Rights and Laws

Quotations - British Laws

Declaratory Act of 1719

Molasses Act of 1733

Writs of Assistance

Sugar Act of 1764

Stamp Act of 1765

" Your Majesty's Commons in Britian," said Mr. , " undertake absolutely to dispose of the properly of their fellow-subjects in America, with out their consent, ... for they are not represented in Parliament; and indeed we think it impracticable; it is not reconcilable to any ideas of liberty. ... I only say, that a great people, who have their property, without any reserve, in all cases, disposed of by another people at an im mense distance from them, will not think themselves in the enjoyment of freedom. It will be hard to show to those who are in such a state which of the usual parts of the definition or description of a free people are applicable to them. . . . Tell me what one character of liberty the Americans have, and what one brand of slavery they are free from, if they are bound in their property and industry by all the restraints you can imagine on commerce, and at the same time are made pack-horses of every tax you choose to impose, without the least share in granting them ? When they bear the burdens of unlimited monopoly, will you bring them

Edmund Burke

Declaratory Act of 1766

Townshend Acts of 1767

Tea Act of 1772

Intolerable Acts

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